Sunday, September 25, 2011

RP:Big Game

I am very excited for tomorrow for this is the biggest Alameda football game every year the Island Bowl.

     My boy Steven is not lying when he says this is the biggest game of the year for the Alameda hornets. This is the 57th rivalry game between these two teams from the opposite sides of the island, and this year we hope to change the outcome of who will come out victorious. Prior to this meeting,encinal has one four years in a row with games that haven't even really been close. Prior to them winning four years in a row, us the hornets, have won five straight and hope for encinal not to accomplish that goal this year. Once again we are huge underdogs again and we hope to come out and prove everyone who doubted us wrong.
      However, a lot of preparation and work has to be put in, in order for us to win. That means hard work at practice, to mental reps at home. By accomplishing just these little things it will help us to come out victorious.
      Another reason in my mind that I would like to win this game, is to give our first year head coach a victory against our cross-town rival. Coach Kempt had took over the head varsity coach positon this year as the previous one had gotten kicked out. All in all, I hope to come out with a w, for all my bro's on the team and every one who is doubting us, to see that this years football team is no joke!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

CEP:Innocent Troy Davis

        All I can say is wow. Supposebly, Troy Davis was accused of the death of an off duty police officer in the state of Georgia. However, eyewitnesses and Troy have firmly said that he was innocent and they were lying because they felt pressured by the police. Even in a time like this, people should stand up and speak the the truth no matter what. " If you tell the truth you wont remember anything"- Mark Twain. This is basically saying if you just tell the truth the first time you wont have those nights of tossing and turning in bed knowing that you have done something wrong and having signs of regret.
        Enough about the lying though, and lets talk what really happened. Troy Smith, served 22 years in prison and was sentenced to the death penalty, even had eyewitnesses say he was innocent and DNA samples that never traced him for killing the police officer. Mobs who stood outside of the white house couldn't even change there mind and his own lawyer also said there was no evidence to be found. As some of these people said if he was while things may have been different, but I would would personally not like to look at it like that. The officers mom keeps claiming that there is no doubt in her mind that is him, but she needs to grow up and realize the facts! Troy Smith was then giving the lethal injection dying two days ago. However, I do not know the whole story, and who knows he actually might have been the killer. But at this point right now Georgia has a whole lot of explaining to do on why the executed the wrong person.

FP:Island Bowl

         I can honestly say this is going to be the craziest game of my life. I could already picture the fans jumping up and down of there seat with so much enthusiasm and cheering for both the blue and yellow. Two or maybe even Three thousand people are projected to come out and watch this highly anticipated game. Two teams on the same island; one from the east side and one from the west colliding head to head seeing who will come out victorious. Hopefully, it will be AHS who wins back the trophy from Encinal after not beating them for the prior four years. I am literally jumping out of my seat right now as I cant wait till tomorrow night gets here!
         However, there are going to be pregame preparations needing to take place if we are going to have a shot to win this game. Fore example, we all are going to need to cut back on the soda and snacks and eat and drink more responsibly. Another key to our success is going to be able to see the game in our mind as we take mental reps try to see the process of whats going to happen on the field. Finally, is believe in ourselves and teammates that we can go out there and get that win, and try not to let the smack talk or anything affect us. All I can say is I'm ready for this game to come as we go out there, give it our all, and come out victorious.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Brave Men

           A burning apartment building bursting in flames lighting up the darkened sky. People came hurrying out the house to see whats going on. One witness called the fireman and police who rushed to the scene as fast as possible. Once they got there the witnesses said there were two children stuck on the top floor of a three story building. Two of the brave fireman went into the blazing building; there journey however did not last long. As they approached the second floor, the wood and foundation grew weak and collapsed on the fireman making them trapped and killing the children.
          Pitch black, like camping in the woods with no lights. The fireman were hurt and needed an escape route. The way the building fell it surrounded them like a dome.No cracks to breath out of and they were so deep into the rubble there was no sound to be heared. The people could only watch as the fire grew drastically over the whole building. It was only a matter of seconds until these brave men would be gone.
           The feeling inside was horrible. There shirts were melting off there skin like a melting ice cube. Left and right sparks would fly right over there head hopping one wouldn't hit them. No air or oxygen was available to breath on. Blisters and wounds were starting to grow all over the skin due to the boiling hot heat. It was so hot they couldn't even think straight as they just wanted to collapse into the cook pot. However a miracle happened, thanks to the fire a chunk of wood that had been keeping them trapped inside was burned. Finally, a sign of life as they seen the so far distant outside world.
           Getting out was not as easy as it may have seen. One by one the fireman were pulled out by fellow fireman and the community. Being o so careful not to hit the foundation even more so it wouldn't collapse once again. The tearing of there skin was heared throughout, as they were pulled between tiny cracks and sharp edges. The first fireman was out after about five minutes of rescuing time, and the other waiting right behind. Fortunately, he only had a couple bumps and bruises on his body. However, right after he was freed something terrible had happened. He managed to touch the unstable foundation just enough to make it collapse once more. This timethe second fireman was stuck by himself with nobody by his side.
           It was even more dreadful then last time. This time the temperature had grown out of control. It was as if you were in a cave with no flashlights or matches, being cremated alive without asking. His body then evaporated with the rest of the air around him and no remains were found.
            A week later the community and fireman held a funeral for this brave man who unfortunately wasn't able to make it. Family members and others were lined up around his coffin in sorrow, crying of the tragedy that had taken place.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Released at Last

Back in 2009 hikers Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal were hiking on the boarder of Iraq and Iran when they were arrested for charges of spying. According to Obama at the time when they working in the middle east they had no information of US intelligence. Right now according to NBC the men will be released in two days, but now according to their lawyer it will not be till the bail is paid, bail which is $500,000 each.

      I decided to write a response for T.J's post because its the same thing I was talking about in my current event post. These two men should not have been charged from spying, even coming from Barack Obama himself, saying that they had no information of U.S intelligence. I also understand what Mr. Sutherland was trying to tell me when he committed on my current events post quoting, many people are accused of false accusations and its sad to see that both in the U.S and in Iran. Hopefully people will stop being appointed of false accusations and not taking a chunk out of your life by going to jail.
       Back when T.J had wrote this it said they will be released in two days, but just listening to it on the news, new information just informed me that there in court getting the last pair of papers signed. A 500,000 dollar bail for each persons seems allot for something should have never had happened. But whats going to happen when they get home? Will it be for the better or maybe for the worst. For example, will they return and see thousands of people being there and supporting them or will they see people look at them differently now thinking that they really spy's in another country. These question's are just some examples of what may happen. However, hopefully they will return home to friends,supporters, and family and have a emotional good 2return home instead of a bad one.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finally released!

        U.S Citezens finally realeased!
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said in interviews that Iran would release two US citizens imprisoned for spying in a "couple of days'" on bail, which their lawyer said had been set at $500,000 each.

        It is about time that the officials in Iran are finally going to release the two U.S citizens for something they didn't do. This is awful to even think about! Imagine taking an adventure or vacation in another country and get accused of spying,ending up in prison; I know I cant.Well, that's what happened to these two men who were sent to jail for false accusation or what I believe. Barack Obama even said himself, that he didn't hear or know about these to men having any link to U.S intelligence . They have been in prison for months now and were able to get out on a 500,000 dollar bail, which is a lot of money for something that is ridiculous. However, even though its good that there returning home image how much it affected them being away from there loved ones or family members.
         Returning home from any trip or vacation is always emotional but image how emotional this is going to be, giving the facts of the situation they were just in. Just seeing your wife or family again will make you break down in tears and tell them how much you miss them.There also may be a bad side. Coming home to your wife that now has another man because she thought you were dead or even your wife having a newborn and you weren't there for it. Hopefully none of this happened to these men as they will hopefully return home to people with much support in them and will be there to comfort them. I'm glad these men were finally released from prison and hopefully in the future there will never be any more false accusations like this.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tough Times of Football

           Last week I was writing about how my football practice was going hard and bad; this week was no exception.Coming off my game Friday night against Northgate, I experienced cramping and even a minor symptom of back spasms. Over the weekend I tried to rest by chilling at the house with some friends playing madden but that didn't seem to help . Monday came and I knew for practice I wouldn't be as affective as I would like but still go out and give it my all.
            Practice finally came around 4:30 and I was nervous to a different degree. Not nervous of going out there and competing against others but  nervous about performing at a high level. As being a sophomore on varsity and coming off a solid performance, I didn't want the team or the coaches to think that I was being cocky. That whistle blew and we were off taking our lap around the field. From right then I realized this was going to be a long day.Throughout practice however, my back and legs were feeling fine but that wasn't going to last for long. Just a quarter of the way in I had to stop what I was doing, sit down and strecth. My legs felt like they were going to fall off. Coach came over and asked whats wrong and I told him I am sore and tight. He gave me the look as if I was lying but I just ignored it. He later approached me and said take it easy for today so you don't get injured or hurt. I took his advice as I sat there watching my teammates practice.
            Practice was finally over and my mom hurried me to the house. She grab about 5 packets of ice as she poured it into the tub healing my wounds.Hopefully tomorrow will bring forth a better day than today.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The New Era

Wow, 10 years already. OnSeptember 11th, 2001, possibly the most tragic event in the historyof our magnificent country took place. Osama Bin Laden had a plot to highjackairplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. They succeeded to crash into the WTC but not the Pentagon. This has had a huge impact on how we live our lives today in a more modern era in the United States of America.
           I totally agree to what Doumitt is trying to say here. Even though I was only five or six, memories of what I saw on the news and what my parents would say to me rush through my mind every 9/11. I remember hearing how two planes crashed into the twin towers and one was on its wy to the pentagon.Fortunately, the planes destination due to the pentagon was cut short thanks to the brave souls on flight 93. In my mind and many others, 9/11 was the most tragic event that took place on the United States soil.
           This last line that Doumitt had wrote really caught my attention as well. Since the 9/11 attack our airport security and the manhunt for terrorist have changed dramasticly. Now our airport security or tsa has improved its equipment for the better. For example, we now have x-ray vision to see if you try to sneak anything onto the plane, and they make us take off our jackets and shoes to see if your cleared to past. Not only has our airport security changed but looking and catching terrorist have also. Since the attack, the American people have been alert to try and find any strange activity to what they might consider terrorist. Also over this past year our navy seals found and shot Osama Bin Laden who directed the attack on 9/11. Hopefully now with all this change in our country, it will go for the better and not the worst!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Terrorist threat

          Another threat by terrorist.
US officials have said they are investigating a credible but unconfirmed threat of a terror strike on the United States reportedly involving bomb-laden trucks ahead of this weekend's 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
         This is such an important thing that the people in the U.S should pay attention to. Although it says its unconfirmed, we all seen what terrorist have done before so we need to be prepared. There is going to be thousands of people at ground zero remembering the men and women who perished on that day, so we need to be alert to keep everyone safe.I also like what the authorities are doing to make sure this does not happen.For example, there bringing in more bomb dogs to try and sniff to hopefully find some. Another is watching for illegally parked cars with any concern of suspension. With these procedures taking place hopefully Sunday will be just as smooth as any other one.
         I also noticed that the authorities were on a manhunt for 2 of 3 suspects that has entered the country in August and were planning to make an attack with a vehicle laden attached with explosives.This caught my attention even more because I was wondering how easy it is to come into this country and plan out such an attack like this. In my opinon, we need better border control that can hopefully be fixed.
         With the large expected crowd to be at hand, security, federal agents, and local authorities need to step up to prevent an attack on such a sad day.Hopefully this Sunday will come and past as a rememerable one instead of it becoming a disaster.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The emotional days of homework and Football

         Tonight's football practice was for some odd reason way harder and more emotional then the previous ones this week. Tonight I was cramping up a lot from the workout yesterday and didn't put fourth the effort in which I'm capable of doing. The coaches even where explaining themselves to me that if I want to gain playing time on varsity as a sophomore I would have to put fourth more effort then everyone else. I took there advice and started working harder but I still had that moping attitude as I would sometimes drag myself around from place to place. Practice was finally over and I was headed on my way home when I realized I left my algebra book in the locker and had to go all the way back to get it. Then to cap it all of I remembered that I had an overwhelming amount of homework due tomorrow, so that brought me down even more.
          I finally arrived to the house sore as ever and the first thing I did was go into my room to try to get this all done before nine, so I could play the new madden 12. However, my mom called me for dinner around 8 o'clock which delayed me of getting my homework done by 30 minutes. I returned back into my room and was determined to get this all completed still before nine. Fortunately I did, and got to play madden 12 for a good hour. I than went to go take a shower and then went to bed hoping tomorrow would bring forth a better day.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My life journey

        There are many unique and interesting features in me that you should find out to get to know me better. I am 6'1 in a half at the age of 15, which is highly unusual since most of my family members are shorter then 6ft. With this height I try to use it to the best of the abilities capable, by playing sports; mostly basketball and football. Even with sports on my mind 24/7, I also have a side of me to be funny and a chill person. Over the years I been able to use these features in me to meet and make more friends that I could ever image. By playing sports, it does however require a buch of traveling and life lesson adventures that I took for the years past. Over these next couple of paragraphs I will be explaining myself, and what I like to do so hopefully you could have a better understanding of who I am.
         Sports have been a major role in my fifteen years of life. It all started when I was two by touching a basketball for my very first time. From there on out I new what I wanted to pursue in my future. However, football came to me when I was nine and changed my mind on what I wanted to do. My first year was a huge success as I broke the rushing yards for my Jr.peewee team on the Alameda pirates. As of now I'm focusing and working hard to end up in a d1 college and hopefully maybe to the league.
        Throughout my life you might think I'm a serious and compact guy because I like to play sports, but that's the total opposite of who I am. If you ask any of my friends they would tell you I'm both funny and a cool person to chill with.Of being myself and not trying to imitate others I have been able to meet and make many friends throughout my life.
         Over the years I have traveled to many states because of sports and I have traveled to many states for life lesson adventures.Most of my sports traveling have been basketball related but lately its been football and life lesson trips. Just last year in February my close four friends and I took a trip to the Superbowl to go sale and work.This taught us both how to make money and grow up as men. Also during this summer I was selected to a football camp in Oklahoma to compete against the best in the nation.This taught me alot of work I would have to put in to make it to the next level.
          Throughout this you have gained a bunch of knowledge of me and what my goals are in my future.But even though there is goals in life, I also have some in writing I would like to share. For example, one is not boring the reader throughout my essay. Another is getting all my punctuations and grammar correct.Finally, I would like to be able to picture writing to be fun and not so boring. Working on these goals in writing will hopefully let me become a more officiant writer.Hopefully this column of myself has helped in a buch of ways by you getting to know who I am and what I would like to be able to become.