Thursday, September 8, 2011

Terrorist threat

          Another threat by terrorist.
US officials have said they are investigating a credible but unconfirmed threat of a terror strike on the United States reportedly involving bomb-laden trucks ahead of this weekend's 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
         This is such an important thing that the people in the U.S should pay attention to. Although it says its unconfirmed, we all seen what terrorist have done before so we need to be prepared. There is going to be thousands of people at ground zero remembering the men and women who perished on that day, so we need to be alert to keep everyone safe.I also like what the authorities are doing to make sure this does not happen.For example, there bringing in more bomb dogs to try and sniff to hopefully find some. Another is watching for illegally parked cars with any concern of suspension. With these procedures taking place hopefully Sunday will be just as smooth as any other one.
         I also noticed that the authorities were on a manhunt for 2 of 3 suspects that has entered the country in August and were planning to make an attack with a vehicle laden attached with explosives.This caught my attention even more because I was wondering how easy it is to come into this country and plan out such an attack like this. In my opinon, we need better border control that can hopefully be fixed.
         With the large expected crowd to be at hand, security, federal agents, and local authorities need to step up to prevent an attack on such a sad day.Hopefully this Sunday will come and past as a rememerable one instead of it becoming a disaster.

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