Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Brave Men

           A burning apartment building bursting in flames lighting up the darkened sky. People came hurrying out the house to see whats going on. One witness called the fireman and police who rushed to the scene as fast as possible. Once they got there the witnesses said there were two children stuck on the top floor of a three story building. Two of the brave fireman went into the blazing building; there journey however did not last long. As they approached the second floor, the wood and foundation grew weak and collapsed on the fireman making them trapped and killing the children.
          Pitch black, like camping in the woods with no lights. The fireman were hurt and needed an escape route. The way the building fell it surrounded them like a dome.No cracks to breath out of and they were so deep into the rubble there was no sound to be heared. The people could only watch as the fire grew drastically over the whole building. It was only a matter of seconds until these brave men would be gone.
           The feeling inside was horrible. There shirts were melting off there skin like a melting ice cube. Left and right sparks would fly right over there head hopping one wouldn't hit them. No air or oxygen was available to breath on. Blisters and wounds were starting to grow all over the skin due to the boiling hot heat. It was so hot they couldn't even think straight as they just wanted to collapse into the cook pot. However a miracle happened, thanks to the fire a chunk of wood that had been keeping them trapped inside was burned. Finally, a sign of life as they seen the so far distant outside world.
           Getting out was not as easy as it may have seen. One by one the fireman were pulled out by fellow fireman and the community. Being o so careful not to hit the foundation even more so it wouldn't collapse once again. The tearing of there skin was heared throughout, as they were pulled between tiny cracks and sharp edges. The first fireman was out after about five minutes of rescuing time, and the other waiting right behind. Fortunately, he only had a couple bumps and bruises on his body. However, right after he was freed something terrible had happened. He managed to touch the unstable foundation just enough to make it collapse once more. This timethe second fireman was stuck by himself with nobody by his side.
           It was even more dreadful then last time. This time the temperature had grown out of control. It was as if you were in a cave with no flashlights or matches, being cremated alive without asking. His body then evaporated with the rest of the air around him and no remains were found.
            A week later the community and fireman held a funeral for this brave man who unfortunately wasn't able to make it. Family members and others were lined up around his coffin in sorrow, crying of the tragedy that had taken place.


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