Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tough Times of Football

           Last week I was writing about how my football practice was going hard and bad; this week was no exception.Coming off my game Friday night against Northgate, I experienced cramping and even a minor symptom of back spasms. Over the weekend I tried to rest by chilling at the house with some friends playing madden but that didn't seem to help . Monday came and I knew for practice I wouldn't be as affective as I would like but still go out and give it my all.
            Practice finally came around 4:30 and I was nervous to a different degree. Not nervous of going out there and competing against others but  nervous about performing at a high level. As being a sophomore on varsity and coming off a solid performance, I didn't want the team or the coaches to think that I was being cocky. That whistle blew and we were off taking our lap around the field. From right then I realized this was going to be a long day.Throughout practice however, my back and legs were feeling fine but that wasn't going to last for long. Just a quarter of the way in I had to stop what I was doing, sit down and strecth. My legs felt like they were going to fall off. Coach came over and asked whats wrong and I told him I am sore and tight. He gave me the look as if I was lying but I just ignored it. He later approached me and said take it easy for today so you don't get injured or hurt. I took his advice as I sat there watching my teammates practice.
            Practice was finally over and my mom hurried me to the house. She grab about 5 packets of ice as she poured it into the tub healing my wounds.Hopefully tomorrow will bring forth a better day than today.


  1. I'm sorry to hear you're having these troubles, but I suppose these kinds of ups and downs are the norm in the life of an athlete.

    I enjoy reading about what it's like to be committed to sports or sports teams, which is something I've never known about myself...Student athletes really knock me out because they (YOU, I should say) experience all sorts of stuff way outside of my own experience. Your strategy here of journaling about how practices are going for you is good...it reminds me of a student blog I was really geeked about a couple of years ago, where this soccer player I had in my class blogged play-by-play analysis of her tournaments and used her writing to improve her game. Super cool. Here are a few links if you want to see:



    There are lots of other soccer-related posts on her blog if you hunt around. Hope you enjoy. And feel better!

  2. what's up dude, here is what I wrote.

