Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My life journey

        There are many unique and interesting features in me that you should find out to get to know me better. I am 6'1 in a half at the age of 15, which is highly unusual since most of my family members are shorter then 6ft. With this height I try to use it to the best of the abilities capable, by playing sports; mostly basketball and football. Even with sports on my mind 24/7, I also have a side of me to be funny and a chill person. Over the years I been able to use these features in me to meet and make more friends that I could ever image. By playing sports, it does however require a buch of traveling and life lesson adventures that I took for the years past. Over these next couple of paragraphs I will be explaining myself, and what I like to do so hopefully you could have a better understanding of who I am.
         Sports have been a major role in my fifteen years of life. It all started when I was two by touching a basketball for my very first time. From there on out I new what I wanted to pursue in my future. However, football came to me when I was nine and changed my mind on what I wanted to do. My first year was a huge success as I broke the rushing yards for my Jr.peewee team on the Alameda pirates. As of now I'm focusing and working hard to end up in a d1 college and hopefully maybe to the league.
        Throughout my life you might think I'm a serious and compact guy because I like to play sports, but that's the total opposite of who I am. If you ask any of my friends they would tell you I'm both funny and a cool person to chill with.Of being myself and not trying to imitate others I have been able to meet and make many friends throughout my life.
         Over the years I have traveled to many states because of sports and I have traveled to many states for life lesson adventures.Most of my sports traveling have been basketball related but lately its been football and life lesson trips. Just last year in February my close four friends and I took a trip to the Superbowl to go sale and work.This taught us both how to make money and grow up as men. Also during this summer I was selected to a football camp in Oklahoma to compete against the best in the nation.This taught me alot of work I would have to put in to make it to the next level.
          Throughout this you have gained a bunch of knowledge of me and what my goals are in my future.But even though there is goals in life, I also have some in writing I would like to share. For example, one is not boring the reader throughout my essay. Another is getting all my punctuations and grammar correct.Finally, I would like to be able to picture writing to be fun and not so boring. Working on these goals in writing will hopefully let me become a more officiant writer.Hopefully this column of myself has helped in a buch of ways by you getting to know who I am and what I would like to be able to become.

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea you played Pirates. Its cool how you have really big goals for yourself in the future. I'm glad you're thinking about college. You do seem really serious about your athletics career, which is nice; I just hope that you're gonna be able to keep up with your school work, as well. Good luck with everything!
