Sunday, September 11, 2011

The New Era

Wow, 10 years already. OnSeptember 11th, 2001, possibly the most tragic event in the historyof our magnificent country took place. Osama Bin Laden had a plot to highjackairplanes and crash them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. They succeeded to crash into the WTC but not the Pentagon. This has had a huge impact on how we live our lives today in a more modern era in the United States of America.
           I totally agree to what Doumitt is trying to say here. Even though I was only five or six, memories of what I saw on the news and what my parents would say to me rush through my mind every 9/11. I remember hearing how two planes crashed into the twin towers and one was on its wy to the pentagon.Fortunately, the planes destination due to the pentagon was cut short thanks to the brave souls on flight 93. In my mind and many others, 9/11 was the most tragic event that took place on the United States soil.
           This last line that Doumitt had wrote really caught my attention as well. Since the 9/11 attack our airport security and the manhunt for terrorist have changed dramasticly. Now our airport security or tsa has improved its equipment for the better. For example, we now have x-ray vision to see if you try to sneak anything onto the plane, and they make us take off our jackets and shoes to see if your cleared to past. Not only has our airport security changed but looking and catching terrorist have also. Since the attack, the American people have been alert to try and find any strange activity to what they might consider terrorist. Also over this past year our navy seals found and shot Osama Bin Laden who directed the attack on 9/11. Hopefully now with all this change in our country, it will go for the better and not the worst!

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