Thursday, September 22, 2011

FP:Island Bowl

         I can honestly say this is going to be the craziest game of my life. I could already picture the fans jumping up and down of there seat with so much enthusiasm and cheering for both the blue and yellow. Two or maybe even Three thousand people are projected to come out and watch this highly anticipated game. Two teams on the same island; one from the east side and one from the west colliding head to head seeing who will come out victorious. Hopefully, it will be AHS who wins back the trophy from Encinal after not beating them for the prior four years. I am literally jumping out of my seat right now as I cant wait till tomorrow night gets here!
         However, there are going to be pregame preparations needing to take place if we are going to have a shot to win this game. Fore example, we all are going to need to cut back on the soda and snacks and eat and drink more responsibly. Another key to our success is going to be able to see the game in our mind as we take mental reps try to see the process of whats going to happen on the field. Finally, is believe in ourselves and teammates that we can go out there and get that win, and try not to let the smack talk or anything affect us. All I can say is I'm ready for this game to come as we go out there, give it our all, and come out victorious.

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