Thursday, September 15, 2011

Finally released!

        U.S Citezens finally realeased!
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said in interviews that Iran would release two US citizens imprisoned for spying in a "couple of days'" on bail, which their lawyer said had been set at $500,000 each.

        It is about time that the officials in Iran are finally going to release the two U.S citizens for something they didn't do. This is awful to even think about! Imagine taking an adventure or vacation in another country and get accused of spying,ending up in prison; I know I cant.Well, that's what happened to these two men who were sent to jail for false accusation or what I believe. Barack Obama even said himself, that he didn't hear or know about these to men having any link to U.S intelligence . They have been in prison for months now and were able to get out on a 500,000 dollar bail, which is a lot of money for something that is ridiculous. However, even though its good that there returning home image how much it affected them being away from there loved ones or family members.
         Returning home from any trip or vacation is always emotional but image how emotional this is going to be, giving the facts of the situation they were just in. Just seeing your wife or family again will make you break down in tears and tell them how much you miss them.There also may be a bad side. Coming home to your wife that now has another man because she thought you were dead or even your wife having a newborn and you weren't there for it. Hopefully none of this happened to these men as they will hopefully return home to people with much support in them and will be there to comfort them. I'm glad these men were finally released from prison and hopefully in the future there will never be any more false accusations like this.

1 comment:

  1. Any idea how many Iranian citizens are sitting in Iranian jails, innocent but imprisoned? Or how about innocent Americans in American jails? This story gets a lot of play because it hypes up the Iran/U.S. rivalry...but something to keep in mind is that these two fortunate souls who got out are just two among many, many, many prisoners. Not to sound like too much of a bummer, but it's true...
