Friday, September 16, 2011

Released at Last

Back in 2009 hikers Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal were hiking on the boarder of Iraq and Iran when they were arrested for charges of spying. According to Obama at the time when they working in the middle east they had no information of US intelligence. Right now according to NBC the men will be released in two days, but now according to their lawyer it will not be till the bail is paid, bail which is $500,000 each.

      I decided to write a response for T.J's post because its the same thing I was talking about in my current event post. These two men should not have been charged from spying, even coming from Barack Obama himself, saying that they had no information of U.S intelligence. I also understand what Mr. Sutherland was trying to tell me when he committed on my current events post quoting, many people are accused of false accusations and its sad to see that both in the U.S and in Iran. Hopefully people will stop being appointed of false accusations and not taking a chunk out of your life by going to jail.
       Back when T.J had wrote this it said they will be released in two days, but just listening to it on the news, new information just informed me that there in court getting the last pair of papers signed. A 500,000 dollar bail for each persons seems allot for something should have never had happened. But whats going to happen when they get home? Will it be for the better or maybe for the worst. For example, will they return and see thousands of people being there and supporting them or will they see people look at them differently now thinking that they really spy's in another country. These question's are just some examples of what may happen. However, hopefully they will return home to friends,supporters, and family and have a emotional good 2return home instead of a bad one.

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