Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The emotional days of homework and Football

         Tonight's football practice was for some odd reason way harder and more emotional then the previous ones this week. Tonight I was cramping up a lot from the workout yesterday and didn't put fourth the effort in which I'm capable of doing. The coaches even where explaining themselves to me that if I want to gain playing time on varsity as a sophomore I would have to put fourth more effort then everyone else. I took there advice and started working harder but I still had that moping attitude as I would sometimes drag myself around from place to place. Practice was finally over and I was headed on my way home when I realized I left my algebra book in the locker and had to go all the way back to get it. Then to cap it all of I remembered that I had an overwhelming amount of homework due tomorrow, so that brought me down even more.
          I finally arrived to the house sore as ever and the first thing I did was go into my room to try to get this all done before nine, so I could play the new madden 12. However, my mom called me for dinner around 8 o'clock which delayed me of getting my homework done by 30 minutes. I returned back into my room and was determined to get this all completed still before nine. Fortunately I did, and got to play madden 12 for a good hour. I than went to go take a shower and then went to bed hoping tomorrow would bring forth a better day.

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