Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RP:Not the best Sunday

 When I woke up in the morning I wasn't in a good mood because of all the homework. But then when I turned on my tv to see that the Raiders are getting killed, I was speechless. I mean the Raiders never get killed, they are raw.
         I am right here with Rowland on this one! Sunday was just a bad and stressful day for me as well. Just like him when I woke up in the morning, I had tons of homework to do and I could just fell as if it was going to be a bad day, but knowing that the raiders were playing later I was kind of looking forward to the game.
          Well, we all by now know what happened to Raiders this Sunday and its embarrassing even talking about it at this point. Even though I have wrote about the raiders for the last like 3 post, I feel as if my point is still not out there lol. I mean they got straight killed!. Its not like it was a good game, or they barely lost, no they got killed! It was very disappointing because coming into this game they had a 8 game division winning streak going on and I would have liked if it would have continued. But just like any other team you got to lose some but its important to bounce back in a positive way. It all starts however with the quarterback.
           Kyle Boller? no! Carson Palmer? yes! Even though we witnessed him struggling when he first got into the game, you have to understand he just got back to be playing football, and hes not on course at all with his receivers. Not only that but he only knows a minimum amount of plays which limited him in the game.
          Everybody trust me when I say the raiders will be fine this season and will even make the playoffs. Like Hugh Jackson said it himself, he knows what hes doing and everything will turn out OK.

CEP: Raider Probems

Darren McFadden was on crutches, Rolando McClain was in a protective boot and there was plenty of mental anguish to go around as the Raiders spent the first day of their bye week Monday reviewing their face-plant against the Kansas City Chiefs.
Whether McFadden, McClain and others will be back to face the Denver Broncos on Nov. 6 has yet to be determined.
In the wake of a 28-0 home loss to the Chiefs, what everybody agrees on is the need to get Carson Palmer up to speed with the Raiders offense.
    In every way, shape, and form the raiders got blown the hell out and things need to change fast. This is not a good sign at all with our leading rusher in the league Darren Mcfadden getting hurt and being on crutches. Not only him but our best middle linebacker is hurt as well and the back up isn't half as good as Rolando McClain. Its a good thing its a bye week because if not we would be in deep trouble. Hopefully, they can change this thing around fast, but in order to do that we need to fix our quarter back problem which is terrible at the moment.
   Kyle Boller who started the game for us was just trash! Where is Jamarcus Russcle when you need him? Anyway Kyle Boller got benched in the third quarter and the whole stadium was on there feet when Carson Palmer, our new quarter back, made his debut. However, he didn't do as well as we thought because he wasn't up to speed with the playbook and his receivers. This caused the raiders to only run a certain amount of plays with him in and he was all off with his receivers. He ended up throwing 3 picks and lost a final score of 28-0. I could have played quarter back this game and did better than both of them!
   Fortunately its the bye week so the Raiders can fix their problems and get ready for there game against the Denver Broncos next week.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

CEP: Another Earthquake!

An earthquake measured at magnitude 4.0 struck the Hayward Fault near Berkeley at 2:41 p.m. today, the U.S. Geological Survey said

     Here we go again! Another day and yet another earhtquake. When this one had taken place, I was in math class and I felt it jolt the whole room. Not only was I a litttle nerviouse, the rest of the class was as well even if they dont want to admitt it. Fortunantly, once it was over I was happy it was in the past and I was ready to move on. However, just about and hour an a half ago, a 3.8 earthquake hit just around the same area as the first one. This one however felt a little more rough then the first one even though the first one was a 4.0 and this one a 3.8. Now with all these little earthquakes hopefully it will realese some of the pressure before the big one hits, but you never know. That is why in my opinon everyone needs to be ready before that big one hits.
     Myself personally is not prepared but after expericacing these two earthquakes I think its time. Its actually a little weird if you think about it because today throughout the whole state of california, there were earthquake drills through most of the schools, and know it or not two hit today! Here are Some materials that you should try to use is just things like a flashlight, batteries, food, and many more. Hopefully the big one wont strike any time soon, but if it does we all need to be ready.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

RP: Raiders

   So it started off with the Raiders scoring a touchdown on their first drive with Darren McFadden, extra point follows. Raiders up 7-0.

       Ayy me and my boy Doumitt was too juiced at this Raider game! Even though I did not see him at all cause he sat lower than me, the game had the same affect on him as it did on myself. After the Raiders scored on the first drive I pretty much knew the game was over and the Raiders would get this win.
      Like you had also quoted, this game meant something more than just a win, instead they were playing for the death of Al Davis. Al Davis died a week prior to Sunday and to get that W would mean the world to him and the entire Raider organization.
      Lets get to the highlights of the game shall we! After the Raiders scored on the first possession, the Browns came back and scored a touchdown of there own. However, Jacoby Ford scored a 101 yard kickoff return to the house and got the crowd rocking. Then, probably the play of the night was the fake field goal pass to tight end kevin Boss for a 39 yard touchdown. The browns went ahead and scored one more time and kicked a field goal to make it 24-17. Then right after, the Browns kicked a onside kick and got the ball. Fortunately, the Raiders defense was able to stop them around there forty yard line and got  ball back to win the game 24-17.
       All went good as the entire Raider nation went home happy and hopefully enjoyed the rest of there days.

FP: Raider Game AND there Future!

     This last sunday I got free tickets to go see the Oakland Raiders play against the Cleveland Browns. Although this game wasn't really hyped up to bet hat big of a game, it was for me because I wanted to see my Oakland Raiders go 4-2 on the season. This is also a crucial game for us because if we when this we will be 1 game back against the San Diego Chargers, who we play in 3 weeks after a bye. So here we go everybody going crazy to see the opening kickoff and get this game away.
      The Browns, got the ball first and nothing happened as they went ahead and punted the ball away. The Raiders however, had and excellent first drive, executing on numerous third down occasions and eventually whinding up to score a touchdown with Darren Mcfadden. Unfortunately, the Raiders as an organization took a big lost in the second quarter as we lost our starting quarter back for the remainder of the season. The Raiders went on to win this game but there were questions to be ask on what will happen next for the Oakland Raiders.
      A day or so after the game the Raiders contacted Carson Palmer and got him a deal to come play for them. I personally thought this was a great move because hes a better perfienct passer and quarterback then Jason Campbell was. In the end, the Raider Nation just want that Superbowl ring. Like Al Davis would say, "JUST WIN BABY!"

Thursday, October 13, 2011

RP: Al Davis

Well Al Davis, the owner and general manager of my beloved Oakland Raiders, is dead and gone. I don't know whether to care or not?
   Well Doumitt, even though Al Davis has been messing up the whole Raiders organization these last few years, you still should treat his death like a human and have feelings for him. Saying this, its sad really if anybody dies unless they have done something ridiculous and Al Davis has certainly not; so he should be treated with respect because that's a other human sole that has been lost. However, I do understand what your trying to say with the sports side of it.
    There is no doubt in my mind that Al Davivs kind of did the Raiders shady these last couple of years. But all the raider fans including myself, need to look beyond this and see what he has done throughout his entire life as being apart of the NFL. Only back in 2004 the raiders went all the way to the nfl but unfortunately lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and this organization hasn't really been the same since then but now is improving. He also led the raiders to 5 Superbowl appearances and won three of them. Also throughout his career he was a main part of the afl and the other league merging into one.
     So if you look at Al Davis these last couple of years then no doubt you would think he ruined the raiders and needed to get fired. But as I said before, he made the nfl what it is today and also like I said you never want to see another human being die and being happy about it; but I do understand what your trying to say!

CEP: Amtrak Incident

KTVU-2 reported that the collision occurred at Webster Street and Embarcadero around 10 p.m., and that at least 18 people had minor injuries. A passenger interviewed by the station said the impact was severe enough to jolt people from their seats and to the floor.

     This is not really that big of a concern for the Amtrak trains if you look at it but, it has a more sufficient impact then what you may think. This is already the second major incident in the last two weeks involving Amtrak trains colliding with another object. The one prior was a train hitting a truck parked on the tracks causing severe injury to some of its passengers. This one on the other hand was different, as two trains came encountered with each other on a slight little fender bender. I personally ride trains often and like the whole atmosphere when I do but I do believe there should be some improvements to help peoples safety.
      For example, maybe instead of having trains ruining both head on with eacthother, maybe they could copy the Bart system with two trains on two different tracks going in opposite directions. And maybe if possible but I doubt it due to the weight of the train; add breaks that can help the train come to a sudden halt instead of stopping over a period of track! Lastly, but not least maybe the people who control the tracks the trains move on can make sure that there never on the same path to collide and if they are try to be a little more awake at your job and switch them immediately. Hopefully, people may look at some of these suggestions that I'm trying to say and actually try to assume these things.