Thursday, October 20, 2011

CEP: Another Earthquake!

An earthquake measured at magnitude 4.0 struck the Hayward Fault near Berkeley at 2:41 p.m. today, the U.S. Geological Survey said

     Here we go again! Another day and yet another earhtquake. When this one had taken place, I was in math class and I felt it jolt the whole room. Not only was I a litttle nerviouse, the rest of the class was as well even if they dont want to admitt it. Fortunantly, once it was over I was happy it was in the past and I was ready to move on. However, just about and hour an a half ago, a 3.8 earthquake hit just around the same area as the first one. This one however felt a little more rough then the first one even though the first one was a 4.0 and this one a 3.8. Now with all these little earthquakes hopefully it will realese some of the pressure before the big one hits, but you never know. That is why in my opinon everyone needs to be ready before that big one hits.
     Myself personally is not prepared but after expericacing these two earthquakes I think its time. Its actually a little weird if you think about it because today throughout the whole state of california, there were earthquake drills through most of the schools, and know it or not two hit today! Here are Some materials that you should try to use is just things like a flashlight, batteries, food, and many more. Hopefully the big one wont strike any time soon, but if it does we all need to be ready.

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