Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CEP: Raider Probems

Darren McFadden was on crutches, Rolando McClain was in a protective boot and there was plenty of mental anguish to go around as the Raiders spent the first day of their bye week Monday reviewing their face-plant against the Kansas City Chiefs.
Whether McFadden, McClain and others will be back to face the Denver Broncos on Nov. 6 has yet to be determined.
In the wake of a 28-0 home loss to the Chiefs, what everybody agrees on is the need to get Carson Palmer up to speed with the Raiders offense.
    In every way, shape, and form the raiders got blown the hell out and things need to change fast. This is not a good sign at all with our leading rusher in the league Darren Mcfadden getting hurt and being on crutches. Not only him but our best middle linebacker is hurt as well and the back up isn't half as good as Rolando McClain. Its a good thing its a bye week because if not we would be in deep trouble. Hopefully, they can change this thing around fast, but in order to do that we need to fix our quarter back problem which is terrible at the moment.
   Kyle Boller who started the game for us was just trash! Where is Jamarcus Russcle when you need him? Anyway Kyle Boller got benched in the third quarter and the whole stadium was on there feet when Carson Palmer, our new quarter back, made his debut. However, he didn't do as well as we thought because he wasn't up to speed with the playbook and his receivers. This caused the raiders to only run a certain amount of plays with him in and he was all off with his receivers. He ended up throwing 3 picks and lost a final score of 28-0. I could have played quarter back this game and did better than both of them!
   Fortunately its the bye week so the Raiders can fix their problems and get ready for there game against the Denver Broncos next week.

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