Sunday, October 2, 2011

What makes a human?

               The definitive characteristic of a human being is the way we communicate amongst each other. There are many unique features that separate us humans form other living life forms, but communication in my opinion is the biggest. An example of communication is how many different languages there are and how many people speak different ones.  Another example would be how we use communication with eacth other to understand one another. Finally, over the long spanned of time that humans been on earth, communication can be written down on paper as history so people today can understand what happened during that period of time and the translation of some major books. Over these next couple of paragraphs I will be explaining my theory on why communication is so important.
                      All across are globe you will see different enithicies and religion of people. What comes with this is the different lifestyles but more importantly the different languages in which they may speak. If you look at animals for an example all of them have the same language in which they talk. A whale has only one sound that they use to communicate with eacthother. Another example is cats who only relate to one another by mowing and nothing else. For humans its different. In china you would see people mostly speaking Chinese. In Mexico, you would probably see the variety of people speaking Spanish. And in America you most often see people speaking English. That's only a couple of countries and already there are three different languages in which humans speak.There are over a thousand of different type of languages and its amazing how people use all of them for us to understand each one. I think its important  to realize how many different people there are and we should all try and get to know each one. This is an important element that makes us humans  "humans." Although there are many different type of languages its important to know how we communicate among eacth other.
           Us humans use communication in a different way in which any animal or life form would. For example, dogs communicate by barking at those they perceive as a threat in order to communicate their hostility and in some cases the threat that they will attack if provoked. Dogs can really only use communication in a certain way but us humans have many. One would be verbal communication with others. Verbal communication as of today still is the most important aspect of our communication with eacthother. For an example, if people have a problem between eatchother they can work it out by talking instead of physically beating eacth other and instead end up solving the problem. However, there are many more ways on how we communicate. Non verbal communication has a strong impact on how we interact as well. Think of the people who are blind or cant hear. We can communicate with them by giving sigh langueges or writing words in braille for people who are blind can see. This has more of an impact that you might realize; not only are we communicating with them, if it wasn't for these things these people would feel alone in the world having no interaction with others simply because they cant. Lastly, an affective way to communicate with eacthother is through are body language. People can read others body language simply on there emotions there feeling at that time. For example, if your annoyed with somebody you can simply tell by the demeanor of your body. Another key reason why body language is an important factor of communication is because it gives a way for even the mentally ill or slower people to understand what is going on by how others around them are expressing themselves.  These are only a few reasons how us humans communicate but these are very important ones.
          One last important element on what makes a human a "human" is the way we can communicate over time. I'm not talking about verbal or even non verbal communication, but I'm talking about the things that can be written down over time forthe people today can reflect to. I'm talking about history and transformation! If you look at any animal in the world you would see that there is no way possible for them to look back at there beginning of time and learn from it. The reason for this is because they cant write it down on paper for later breeds of today can study and learn. This is what makes a human unique from any different life form out there. An example of this would be world war 1 and world war two. Two extraordinary events that were able to be put down on paper for us today to study and learn. A major example of what I am also trying to say is the transformation of language for the bible. Going way back in time the bible was first not printed in English and made it impossible for most people to understand and read. However, the printing press was formed and made it possible for the bible to be translated into English and made it possible for people to read. This only adds to the ways that us humans can still communicate with eacthother back then, that has an impact on today's life. Many other pieces of history has been written down as well but these are just a couple of examples of the point that I am trying to get across.  
              Hopefully throughout this entire essay I was able to make clear why communication is the definitive characteristic of a human being. From us being able to speak so many different languages which is un heard of, or how we simply communicate with eacthother is extraordinary or how we are able to write down information over time and translate language; humans are totally unique from any other breathing thing.  Saying this, we hope to continue to use these ways of communication amongst eacthother and maybe even grow to learn new languages in this new era of humans.           

1 comment:

  1. That's a good point of view and I definitely agree with your post. Humans do have a very complex system of communication. Another type of communication, I'm not sure if you really consider it as one but, is communicating technologically. Take a look at Emi's post, she mentions it a little bit:
