Thursday, October 13, 2011

RP: Al Davis

Well Al Davis, the owner and general manager of my beloved Oakland Raiders, is dead and gone. I don't know whether to care or not?
   Well Doumitt, even though Al Davis has been messing up the whole Raiders organization these last few years, you still should treat his death like a human and have feelings for him. Saying this, its sad really if anybody dies unless they have done something ridiculous and Al Davis has certainly not; so he should be treated with respect because that's a other human sole that has been lost. However, I do understand what your trying to say with the sports side of it.
    There is no doubt in my mind that Al Davivs kind of did the Raiders shady these last couple of years. But all the raider fans including myself, need to look beyond this and see what he has done throughout his entire life as being apart of the NFL. Only back in 2004 the raiders went all the way to the nfl but unfortunately lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and this organization hasn't really been the same since then but now is improving. He also led the raiders to 5 Superbowl appearances and won three of them. Also throughout his career he was a main part of the afl and the other league merging into one.
     So if you look at Al Davis these last couple of years then no doubt you would think he ruined the raiders and needed to get fired. But as I said before, he made the nfl what it is today and also like I said you never want to see another human being die and being happy about it; but I do understand what your trying to say!

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