Thursday, October 13, 2011

CEP: Amtrak Incident

KTVU-2 reported that the collision occurred at Webster Street and Embarcadero around 10 p.m., and that at least 18 people had minor injuries. A passenger interviewed by the station said the impact was severe enough to jolt people from their seats and to the floor.

     This is not really that big of a concern for the Amtrak trains if you look at it but, it has a more sufficient impact then what you may think. This is already the second major incident in the last two weeks involving Amtrak trains colliding with another object. The one prior was a train hitting a truck parked on the tracks causing severe injury to some of its passengers. This one on the other hand was different, as two trains came encountered with each other on a slight little fender bender. I personally ride trains often and like the whole atmosphere when I do but I do believe there should be some improvements to help peoples safety.
      For example, maybe instead of having trains ruining both head on with eacthother, maybe they could copy the Bart system with two trains on two different tracks going in opposite directions. And maybe if possible but I doubt it due to the weight of the train; add breaks that can help the train come to a sudden halt instead of stopping over a period of track! Lastly, but not least maybe the people who control the tracks the trains move on can make sure that there never on the same path to collide and if they are try to be a little more awake at your job and switch them immediately. Hopefully, people may look at some of these suggestions that I'm trying to say and actually try to assume these things.

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