Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FP: Raider Game AND there Future!

     This last sunday I got free tickets to go see the Oakland Raiders play against the Cleveland Browns. Although this game wasn't really hyped up to bet hat big of a game, it was for me because I wanted to see my Oakland Raiders go 4-2 on the season. This is also a crucial game for us because if we when this we will be 1 game back against the San Diego Chargers, who we play in 3 weeks after a bye. So here we go everybody going crazy to see the opening kickoff and get this game away.
      The Browns, got the ball first and nothing happened as they went ahead and punted the ball away. The Raiders however, had and excellent first drive, executing on numerous third down occasions and eventually whinding up to score a touchdown with Darren Mcfadden. Unfortunately, the Raiders as an organization took a big lost in the second quarter as we lost our starting quarter back for the remainder of the season. The Raiders went on to win this game but there were questions to be ask on what will happen next for the Oakland Raiders.
      A day or so after the game the Raiders contacted Carson Palmer and got him a deal to come play for them. I personally thought this was a great move because hes a better perfienct passer and quarterback then Jason Campbell was. In the end, the Raider Nation just want that Superbowl ring. Like Al Davis would say, "JUST WIN BABY!"


  1. you lucky son of a bitch you went to the game. How you feel about the trade and will we make the playoffs? hit me back

  2. read my blog on Palmer. And yea they will make playoffs.
