Tuesday, October 4, 2011

CEP: Bart Suicide

    The man, whose name hasn't been released, jumped onto the tracks at the Colma station around 11:20 p.m. and was hit by an eastbound train, said agency spokeswoman Luna Salaver.
       This is really shocking to me when I read this quote and intemperate it into my mind that a man committed suicide on Bart. Since my Dad lives in Hayward, every other weekend I ride Bart and never have I seen or heard of something this extreme. This man obviously had some type of problem with his personal life and decided to cut his life short. Hopefully, his family can overcome this tragedy and move on but it will take a lot of time knowing they just lost a loved one. I personally would advise nobody  to cut there life short no matter what the incident may be because if you believe and try to get out of your predicament, then you will.
       In order to prevent something like this happening again, there needs to be some safety features that need to take place. One example would maybe build glass windows around all of the place where you get on Bart and have the doors open when you get in, which will prevent open space for people to co mitt suicide. Also another way to prevent this is not allowing to let people on the upper deck until the train arrives and comes to a complete halt. Finally, they could also have police officers stand on the upper deck with the passengers at all time making sure no one will do something stupid. Just these three little precautionary measures can change the outcome of somebodies life and many more to potentially come.

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