Wednesday, October 12, 2011

BC: Steve Quote

         The quote stated by Steve jobs is very inspirational to someone like myself. I totally agree with what hes trying to say and I would advise everybody to listen to his point of view on this and try to live it up. I personally would probably have that do whatever I want attitude and have nobody stop me. If I started this process tomorrow, and I would find out I'm a lot stronger then I ever thought of . I would also try to be nice to everyone at every time because I wouldn't want to go out the world with a bad reputation. If other people were ever stuck in life or lost on a darkened path then my advice would simply be follow your heart and that only.
           The main reason in which I think this quote really inspires me is because growing up both my mom and dad would tell this to me everyday and encourage me to obied by it. The reason in which I believe I simply would be a dare devil is because all my life long adventures or new things in which I might want to try; I wouldn't want to go out the world not living up to my own expectations. Also I remember in my preschool they would try to lecture us on how tomorrow is not promised, so everyday try to live with no regret. If I could give anybody a piece of advise, I would mirror what I believe and try to preach the exact same thing to others.
           When I say "stronger" I don't mean physically but mentally. Abiding by this, I would finally have my mind stronger with my decision making process. It wouldn't always be a hard decision in which I might have to think about to choose, but it would be a easy one because I'll have no regrets about my decision. Another personal thing in which I would incorporate with what I'm saying is always trying to be nicer to people, and to become the best person I can. Because with this might being the last day of my life then  would like to leave a good impression to everybody and the community.
            Finally, if ever you correspond with people that may be in the dark, you need to show them the light so they could move on. Even if you need to remind them that tomorrow is not promised and today may be your last so live up how you know, not how your feeling; then do it! Then the important message in which  you want them to receive is that go by what your heart is saying because if go by anything else then nine times out of ten you will be wrong.
            Hopefully people could look at Steve Jobs as a person that you should look up to and try and replicate your life like his. He tried everyday to come up with something better and wasn't afraid to do it because he knew he might have not have the chance tomorrow. The people who really look at this quote should really take it to heart and start living your life!


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